I remember when I was younger, waking up to Valentine’s Day was a close second to Christmas morning. I don’t know if it was the anticipation of the huge box of chocolate that was going to be left on my bathroom vanity with a snuggly stuffed animal and card from my parents, or if it was the Valentine’s party that we would be having at school. Whichever the case may be, the red paper hearts made from construction paper, sampling bites out of each flavor of chocolate in the Russell Stover heart box the size of my head, sweet cards from friends and family, gifts, and all of the love that I felt were what made this day special.

Fast forward about 20 years and here I am married to the love of my life, and together we have three beautiful kids. Before the kids I was focused on fancy date nights, monthly mani/pedis, cute outfits, fancy trips, and lots of booties. We have quickly transitioned to in-home date nights, yoga pants on the daily, messy hair, smudged glasses from tiny fingers, and house full of toys, budget dates, dishes, & the never ending laundry (insert ugly cry)... But I honestly wouldn’t want it any other way. Now, as parents, we get to be the ones to leave the chocolate, cards, and gifts for them. We get to be the ones to help them with their Valentine’s projects from school. And the best for me is seeing their excitement for something as simple as a chocolate heart. It makes it easy to feel like a kid again and just appreciate how children bring so much love into your life. So this year I'm embracing Valentining in mom-mode with all four of my forever valentines and loving and squeezing them extra hard today. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY Y'ALL!

(the look you give when you realize you can't have chocolate yet)
All images were taken by natural light & lifestyle Knoxville family photographer Sweetest Moments Photography. If you are interested in booking a session with Sweetest Moments Photography please click here!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!! Comment below with a picture of your little Valentine's and you will get 15% off your next session!!!

To learn more about Hannah Bucklin with Sweetest Moments Photography, read here!